Best of Minneapolis Politicians on Twitter

Unlike their national counterparts, local politicians don’t have a huge staff dedicated to maintaining polished social media personas. This gives them the chance to personally interact with constituents, giving real answers to real questions. And if you fill up their mentions with mean tweets, it can elicit real tears. So we have compiled a list of the top two local politicians who are keeping it real, letting it all hang out, and writing their own tweets.

1. State Representative Phyllis Kahn did some bills, and she wants you to know. It’s possible she’s set up a Tweetdeck column to make sure she can reply to any tweet mentioning the keyword “bong.”

Meeting with High School Pages. Talked about interesting bills I did: from sports equity, smoking and bong water

— Phyllis Kahn (@PhyllisKahn) April 5, 2016

MN State Rep offers words of advice for anyone traveling to Bong Airport

— Anton (@anton612) April 4, 2016

2. Minneapolis City Council Member John Quincy is the only account for which I have turned on notifications. Every time he tweets, I get a ding and a buzz. John Quincy is worth it.

Community Connections [[LINK]]

— John Quincy (@JohnQuincyMPLS) October 13, 2015

New City Parking App and more [[link]]

— John Quincy (@JohnQuincyMPLS) September 15, 2015

Whoops! Correction

— John Quincy (@JohnQuincyMPLS) July 28, 2015

Summer Time Fun

— John Quincy (@JohnQuincyMPLS) June 9, 2015

Honorable Mention: Minneapolis Council Member Andrew Johnson is big on Vine.